CI Quality Online Learning & Teaching (QOLT)

The Quality Online Learning & Teaching (QOLT) Rubric outlines 9 sections of criteria in fostering best practices for online courses:

  1. Course Overview and Introduction
  2. Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning
  3. Instructional Materials and Resources Utilized
  4. Student Interaction and Community
  5. Facilitation and Instruction
  6. Technology for Teaching and Learning
  7. Learner Support and Resources
  8. Accessibility and Universal Design for Learning
  9. Course Summary and Wrap Up

IVIE: Influenza Vaccine Immunization Education website and learning module was created in 2016 using the QOLT criteria for best practices in online learning.  IVIE was utilized at CSU Channel Islands from Fall 2016 through 2020, transitioning from face-to-face flu vaccine clinic preparation to self-directed online preparation.  Elements of the IVIE development are described below.

Section 6:  Technology for Teaching and Learning 

To demonstrate technology for teaching and learning, a learning module was developed for nursing students in NRS 452/453 Community Health Nursing course.  The online learning module also provided access to students not currently enrolled in NRS 452/453, yet eligible based on skill level.   The learning module, IVIE: Influenza Vaccine Immunization Education, was created in CIKeys using WordPress, supporting the use of diverse technology to deliver formative preparation while engaging in various types learning interactions: individual; between students; and instructor with student.  The application of QOLT was demonstrated in the IVIE learning module using the five objectives of QOLT Section 6.

Objective 6.1:  Tools and media support the course learning objectives/outcomes.

QOLT Objective 6.1 video looks at the tools and media used in CIKeys and WordPress in designing a module to meet the learning objectives for the IVIE module.


Objective 6.2:  Instructor takes advantage of current tools provided by the Learning Management System (or similar) to enhance learning; and,

Objective 6.3:  Technological tools and resources enable student engagement and active learning.

QOLT Objectives 6.2 & 6.3 video discusses the specific tools and resources within the IVIE module that are used to engage students in active learning.  A demonstration of Animoto, Wp-Pro Quiz, Camtasia, and a Blog shows how diverse technological tools can foster student engagement and active learning.

Objective 6.4:  Instructor provides clear information regarding access to the technology and related resources required in the course; and,

Objective 6.5:  Acceptable technological formats for assignment completion and submissions are articulated.

QOLT Objectives 6.4 & 6.5 video articulates the technology and assignment detail found in the  course syllabus.

